( is a Python code coverage tool and is useful for finding out how well your unit tests cover your code. I've often had it find big deficiencies in my unit test coverage. Common usage:
$ coverage run
$ coverage report -m
Will spit out a coverage report for the tests in Used in this way, isn't particularly handy, but combined with a good unit test runner (see below) it becomes very handy.
( nicer testing for Python. Nose is an extremely handy unittest runner that has some perks over the standard Python unittest module. Continuing from the last tool, nose also integrates very nicely with I commonly use it to produce some nice HTML pages summarzing test coverage for my project:
$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-inclusive --cover-html --cover-erase
produces a "cover" directory containing an index.html with some nice pretty HTML reports telling me how well my unit tests cover my codebase.
( is a handy tool for spitting out some well, metrics, about your code. Ex:
$ pymetrics
Spits out a bunch of numbers about including trivial things like how many methods have docstrings, to more interesting things like the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of each method/function within the module. Handy.
( a simple "lines of code" counter that happens to support Python. In the top directory of a project a:
$ cloc .
will give you summary output for your project like:
Language files blank comment code
Python 31 3454 9215 14775
SUM: 31 3454 9215 14775
While LOC is generally a meaningless statistic, it can be handy for getting a "ballpark" idea of how big a project is.
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